Tuesday, September 20, 2011

More Old Stuff

Like I  mentioned in the last post, I'm cleaning my classroom.  Just today I found a bell schedule from 2007 in my podium.  I recycled it.  The good news for you is that I'm finding more old English Class Moments of Awesomeness.  Enjoy!

From spring 2011:
(These were near the top of a pile of papers.)

Honors English II while reading Julius Caesar:

Student 1: "It's in the 1700s!" (On why Brutus and Caesar wouldn't have played Wii together.)

Student: "When is Caesar's birthday?  Is it July?"
Havig: "I don't know."
Student: "Because he totally seems like a Leo."

Still Honors English II, but a more random conversation:
Student: "There's nothing wrong with animal nudity!"
On Mickey Mouse's and Donald Duck's partial nudity in a conversation of the incompatibilities and questions that SpongeBob SquarePants raises. 

More Honors English II:
(If you don't know this yet, my partner gave birth to our daughter, Abby, in September, 2010.  I may have talked about my kiddo off and on with my students.)

Student 1: "You haven't told a baby story in a long time."
Student 2 (singing to a Justin Bieber song): "Baby, baby, baby story."
Student 3: "No Justin Bieber. Ever."

That's it for this round.  I have some gems from the spring of 2009 to share with you including the infamous "water cage" moment.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stuff from Years Gone By

I'm cleaning my classroom.  No, I'm REALLY cleaning my classroom.  I came across an attendance roster from March, 2011 with some MOA scribbled on them. 

Here they are:

As the ASB Advisor, I help the ASB students organize events including Mr. Prairie.  In previous years, Mr. Prairie has utilized young girls (ages 4-8ish) to act as escorts for the high school guy contestants.  Yes, the little girls are really adorable all dressed up in fancy dresses.  And yes, the notion creeps me out.  The kids were deciding if they wanted to use the young girls once again, and they kept referring to them as "little girl escorts."

Havig: "Can we not call them little girl escorts?  It just doesn't sound right."
Student 1:  "What's wrong with it?"
Havig:  "Doesn't it sound a little disturbing to you to call them little girl escorts?"
Student 2:  "No, our minds aren't polluted like that."

Reading a little Julius Caesar in Honors English II, and we were talking about Caesar's full name.

Student 1:  "So his real name was Gaius?"
Havig:  "Gaius. G-a-i-u-s, I think."
Student 2:  "Gaius?  How embarrassing.  It's like Gary.  No one wants that name."

Sunday, July 17, 2011

December 2009-ish

Here are some moments that made it into the notebook from the school year before last.  Enjoy!

Honors English II:
Student: "I'm going to marry Lady Gaga, and we're going to have beautiful babies."
Havig: "Isn't she a bit old for you?"
Student: "Maybe she's a cougar, and when I'm 18, she'll pounce."

For whatever reason, we were discussing Disney movies and the number of characters who have been orphaned or who have lost one parent. 
Student: "They're not orphans if they have one parent. It would be like half.  They're an orph."

We were working on Paragraph Writing Strategies which involves a lot of note taking.  One of the example paragraphs was information about turtles.
Student: "If a turtle lost its shell, would it be naked or homeless?"
Havig: "Yes."

Creative Writing:
Student 1: "Have you seen the Blue Collar Comedy Tour?"
Havig: shakes head
Student 1: "Well, they have this thing where they use words to make sentences..."
Student 2 interrupting: "Dude, everyone uses words to make sentences."

It's Back!!!

Alright sports fans, people have been hounding me about putting some moments up, and I found my stash from last year.  As in the 2009-2010 school year. 

First I have some from the year before that, so these are my froshies who will actually be seniors next year.

These were from when we were finishing up the year with a little Romeo & Juliet.
Student 1: "What is an example of dramatic irony in Act IV?"
Student 2: "Friar John. When we learn that Friar John didn't get the message to Romeo because he was held up by the plague."
Student 3: "And ninjas."
Havig: "Not ninjas."
Student 1: "I figured that part out."

Student: "So she (Juliet) sucks his lips to get poison?"
Havig: "She kisses him. She doesn't suck his lips."
Student: "I would. He's hot!"

On to an Honors English II moment when they were working on their Julius Caesar and Macbeth video projects.  In short, they pick one of the plays, rewrite the script and film it. 
Student: "So people die in both plays."
Havig: "Right."
Student: "How accurately can we portray the deaths?"
Havig: "Well, don't actually kill anyone...please."
Student to other group member, "Uh, Student 2, we might need to re-shoot that scene."