Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Invasion of the Post-it Notes ! ! !

These moments are from the past few months, and possibly years. I found a stash of post-it notes in, on, and around my desk. I’m including them in this special edition since I’ve been slacking a bit on regular posting the past few weeks.

Here you go. Enjoy!

Those familiar with the blog (or my class) know that I show a really cheesy version of The Pit and the Pendulum starring Vincent Price to my sophomores. Here are some student comments on the film:

“Let’s split up and look for clues, gang!”
-as the characters hear an odd noise coming from the dungeon area

“That’s why you bring a gun!”
- when Elizabeth (who is supposed to be dead) exits the casket

“And shut the door! Are you on crack?! Just for that, I hope he dies.”
- after Nicolas makes a really slow and poorly executed escape from Elizabeth’s corpse

Havig: “If I ever go crazy and start repeating a word over and over again, I want it to be a better word than ‘true.’” (which is what Nicolas repeats over and over as he runs away from Elizabeth’s corpse)
Student 1: “Yeah, like a long complicated word.”
Student 2: “Like parabola.”

“I’d try to fall asleep or something.”
- student on what he would do if he was tortured Pit & the Pendulum style

“A lot of people don’t know this, but he also invented the Care Bears.”
- student on the biography of Edgar Allan Poe

Here are some quotes from my freshmen last year:

“All kinds of ice cream are equal in my eyes.”
- student’s response on his favorite flavor of ice cream

“Otherwise it wouldn’t be called ‘notes.’ It would be called ‘read.’”
- student answering another student’s question of ‘do we have to write this down?”

The seniors even had a quote of their own:

Student 1: “I hate chap stick!”
Student 2: “I know. You always have dry and cracked lips.”

I hope you enjoyed this edition. Look back for a new posting sometime this weekend.


High Desert Living said...

You REALLY need to go down to Sylvia Beach Hotel and stay in the Edgar Allen Poe Room! It is like totally awesome, man........

not-so-quiet mom said...

I'm really confused. The movie you're describing doesn't sound anything like Pit & the Pendulum. Am I totally smoking crack, or isn't tha t the story about the guy tied to a slab in a pit with a pendulum swinging lower & lower, ready to cut him to shreds? Where does the dead wife come in?

The Havig said...

Yes, part of the excellentness that is this movie is that it has very little to do with the original story. It is more like a combination of Pit, The Premature Burial and random 60s horror techniques. Don't worry, you haven't lost your mind Campbellkins.