Wednesday, April 2, 2008

ECMOA Spring Break 2008

If all goes well, there should be two special Spring Break Editions of ECMOA. Here’s the first.

As noted in last week’s ECMOA, my student teacher, Ms. Lee, gathered 11 “words” from various student homework assignments. The sophomores were to come up with their own definitions for the words, and overall, the students were very creative. Here is your chance to come up with some definitions and post them in the comments. This has a very Washington Post-y feel to it with a touch of student mockery. Next week, Lee and I will judge the student responses, and I will post the best ones from each class.

Here are the words:

1. desitions
2. eggageratting
3. discripimantion
4. merimior
5. influneal
6. aborigrncules
7. emboys
8. dillusans
9. rasse
10. juliaus
11. widdling

Post your own definitions in the comments section.


High Desert Living said...

OK - I'm having trouble identifying the real words - do they REALLY spell that bad (ly)?
desitions - remove from the sitting position
eggageratting - having too many eggs to decorate for the Easter basket
discripimantion - haven't a clue....
merimior - marry me or.....
influneal - reminds me of when I had the month long flu bug
aborigrncules - huh?
emboys - like in the hood, man - them boys?
dillusans - the things I see in my head
rasse - another huh?
juliaus - related to that CESAR guy?
widdling - like a wedding, only cuter?

Anonymous said...

Hey, how come we never got the definitions to these?